INTERNATIONAL MINIPERSONAL EXHIBITION “ARS IN MILAN” 2016 – “Spaziarti Ungallery”- Corso Buenos Aires, 23- MILAN

2016 NOVEMBER 19th-  DECEMBER 2nd

Website: www.spaziarti.com


Since 2011, Elena Ducu – student of the founder- has been in-charge of Ars, continuing the activities of it. New technologies and the changing global artistic view suggest the necessity of a broadening of horizons; nowadays, it is a central part of an artist’s activities to encourage multiculturality and consequently not to be anchored on one’s own origins, even if they are prestigious.

Furthermore, an artist that wants to face the unpredictable and complex currents which are involved in contemporary art should gather his own dimension through a comparison with others and an understanding of things that are far from his own view. After this experience, it would be finally possible for the artist to define the lines of his personal artistic code. Moving from this assumption, ARS has found it appropriate to organize international artistic events.



It’s hardly necessary to point out how Milan for aperura, cultural breath, Central European mentality, has always been considered an ideal place for contemporary art in Italy. Along the historical Corso Buenos Aires shopping promenade between the longest and best-known in Europe, in a beautiful courtyard at n. 23, stands the “SpaziArti Ungallery”. The SpaziArti exhibitions are designed to direct you to the Taste of Art, to bring good taste in paintings, suggesting artists chosen with care and attention by those who have always been a great passion for the art. The art project is said to ensure that the general public is able to distinguish the commercial painting and artistically valid from the amateur painting. “The first is the result of a lowest level artistic taste, having the sole purpose of earning. The amateur painting is the result of the need to give vent to their inner self or a self-proclaimed artistic bent without, however, being able to convey nothing personal, exciting, creative, original, nor artistic. ”
A mini-staff is therefore the ideal way to emphasize a small group of selected artists, able to excite and impress through their work.


Vincenzo Ridolfini, Elena Ducu;  Gregg Simpson; Roberto Scarioni; Salvatore Giuseppe; Sun A Lee ; Fumio Sasaki; Cristoforo Elefante; Angelino Gennaro