Mini Personal Exhibition of Elena Ducu and Laura Grispigni
October 8th – October 13th 2013
Trastevere, via Del Moro N.49, Rome, Italy
Open 06 p.m. – 10 p.m.
This mini personal exhibition of Elena Ducu and Laura Grispigni, highlights a deep artistic dialogue between these two eclectic artistic personalities. Different in their pictorial languages, but close while ex pressing their artistic feelings, Laura Grispigni and Elena Ducu narrate, with their works, internal impulses, thoroughly human. They both achieve this by looking at what surrounds them, the World, that becomes mirror and synecdoche of the self. They both transform their art in channels of intimate expression and communication with the viewer: Elena Ducu with her sunsets, warm and seeping feelings, Laura Grispigni with her trees, like invoking arms, extended in prayer.
While visiting this exhibition, stay silent and listen to the voices, some whispering some screaming, of the works of these two artists.
(Lucilla Trapazzo, artist)