Born in Mirdita, Albania, in 1963. He gets his university degree in Tirana in 1985. In 1992 he sets up his first solo show in Scutari, Albania. In 1994, he moves to Athen, where he cooperates with the private gallery Paraskevopulos. Ndue Marku created several murals, religious paintings and decorations for children. Since 1999 his artistic activity has been carried out mostly in Rome. He participated in many  group exhibitions, in prestigious art venues in Rome, as “Galleria Pigna” and “Galleria Coronari 111”. His works have been shown also to the competition exhibition “21 Arte”- 2012, at the “Galleria Sala degli Orafi” in  Spoleto. Among his activities several restorations of antique works of art, like the statue of Jesus in the Church of Montespaccato.



Cinzia Folcarelli Art Critic