“Muzeul Județean Gorj Alexandru Ștefulescu”- Targu Jiu- Romania

                                     International Temporary Art Exhibition

                                                  20.09.2019- 20.10.2019

                                               Vernissage 20/09/2019 -17h


Movimento Culturale ARS

ARS has been active since 1981 and since that time it has been recognized for organizing and developing the contemporary art in its different expressions. ARS has always encouraged cultural exchange on a local, national and international basis.

Since 2011, Elena Ducu – student of the founder- has been in-charge of ARS, continuing the activities of it. New technologies and the changing global artistic view suggest the necessity of a broadening of horizons; nowadays, it is a central part of an artist’s activities to encourage multiculturalism and consequently to not be anchored on one’s own origins, even if they are prestigious.

Furthermore, an artist that wants to face the changeable and complex currents which are involved in contemporary art should gather his own dimension thro

ugh a comparison with others and an understanding of things that are far from his own view. After this experience, it would be finally possible for the artist to define the lines of his personal artistic code. Moving from this assumption, ARS has foun

d it appropriate to organize international artistic events.


Târgu Jiu is an important cultural and commercial Romanian city. Its name is closely linked to Constantin Brâncuși`s personality. Here we can

find his masterpieces that can be found in Romania.  The local University is dedicated to this globally famous artist, who was a friend of Rodin, Modigliani and Duchamp. Târgu Jiu Museum of Art was founded in 1984 and exhibits masterpieces from the 17th a

nd 1

8th centuries.

Artist in exibition: 

Armato Vincenzo; Auè Nicole; Betta Casale Angela; Binaj Ardian; Costa Mariella; Di Stefano Emilia; Ducu Elena; Fabbricatore Claudio; Fabi Fulvio; Vasile Fuiorea; Gilbert Doug;  Grispigni Laura; Hagn Christin

e; Hanke Christina; HN Braco; Klotz Rudolf; ŁAPOT-DZIERWA Kinga; Irimescu Lucian; Maloszowski Robert; Marku Ndue; Paglia Anna; Popescu Emilian; Ridolfini Vincenzo; Salvatore Giuseppe; Sasaki Fumio; Solei Paolo; Sun-A Lee; Trapazzo Lucilla, Weyers Anne-Marie